FemTech Companies Innovating in the space

the pill club

Fed up with the lack of innovation in healthcare,  million-dollar companies with game-changing solutions are emerging with women in mind. The recent emergence of ‘fem-tech’, or women-focused tech companies are shaking up various industries, in the same vein as Google, Uber, and Amazon did to their respective fields.


Ditching the taboos around female health and sexuality – these companies are at the forefront of change and speak to the most urgent needs of women. Gender, in this case, is no longer a hindrance to launching multi-million dollar companies, but finally seen and rewarded as an advantage.


Companies are finally being built with a ladies first approach – giving women consumers more choices than ever before. Creating a solid business model that will enable brand loyalty and inspire future generations of industry game-changers.


Meet a few of the companies that are leading the revolution.



A retail company charged with lifting the veil on the feminine hygiene industry. With products from the beginning to the end of the reproductive health process, LOLA encompasses a woman’s full life cycle.


Disruptors in the multi-billion dollar vitamin industry, Ritual creating a transparent and clear chain of command in women’s health. Allowing consumers to know and understand exactly what ingredients are in the supplements they take, and what it is doing for their physical health.



The Pill Club is a birth control subscription-type, home delivery service. By bringing the pharmacy home, it removes, both physical and mental, barriers women face in having access to birth control.


Using technology to shrink the gap in access to personal medical care, Maven is the only virtual clinic of OB-Gyns, therapists, nutritionists and 24-hour access dedicated to women’s health.



Stripping the shame and stigma surrounding the fertility process. Kindbody brings care directly to communities who need it with an inclusive approach.

A worldwide lack of access to sexual health tools and resources, led to the creation of L. a company that champions safe, organic tampons and condoms for women via their network of female entrepreneurs.



A disposable menstrual disc that shapes to the body, can be worn for up to 12 hours, and reduces cramps. Flex users no longer need to worry about TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome) which is usually a cause of concern with such products.




While we know that we are what we eat, usually a compelling statistic convinces us to change. The FLO Living app MyFlo and the WomanCode system, allows for proper tracking of hormones to better manage every aspect of reproductive, sexual, emotional and physical health.



Do you know your sexual health status? Many do not, due to embarrassment or shame. The Eve Kit helps you be proactive about your health while putting privacy at the forefront. It offers a safe and reliable tool you can use in the privacy of your own home to screen for major infections such as Chlamydia, Gonorrhea or HPV.



If every month, a menstrual cycle is telling a story, then why not let the products used, help shape it? NextGen Jane created a ‘smart’ tampon, that will direct and create better reproductive health from puberty to menopause.



By marrying the traditional ultrasound to new Artificial Intelligence, iSono Health is changing the way breast cancer is screened and supported.


An inclusive menstrual product company providing access to products that low-income users are sometimes forced to go without. Aunt Flow is committed to ensuring everyone has access to menstrual products.



Panty Prop creates leak-proof, odor-free undergarments and swimwear for men, women, girls and elderly to protect against the embarrassment of menstrual or urinary incontinence.



UBiome created SmartJane the first women’s health screening test to check multiple conditions at once– including HPV, STIs and other 23 other vaginal floras.

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