FemTech stands for female health and wellness solutions. We are here to provide this new exciting business sector a voice.
FemTech.Live is a first of its kind media platform. Pulling together the latest news and opinions from Technology, Science, Investment and Leadership; FemTech.Live aims to educate and inspire to join the FemTech movement.
We believe in a balanced world where people can be themselves and strive. By catering to women’s health & wellness FemTech can help unlock the power of women. We believe that by unlocking the blue ocean of female health & wellness we can create a fairer, better world for everyone.
Our mission is simple. We bring you the information so you can focus on delivering change to the world.
This is not just a media platform. It’s a movement. Want to be part of it? Get in touch! live@femtechlab.com
Powered by FemTech Lab, the first European accelerator program for Seed-stage femtechs. Check it out: femtechlab.com